September 24, 2007

Vista Media Center

Windows Vista Media Center. What can I say about it. I'm trying hard to like it but the fact that it doesn't play most of my files (Divx, MP4, MKV) means that it is just about useless to me. I'm hoping the situation improves as it becomes mainstream. But I built a media center PC to take advantage of the latest Microsoft features and they come up short. I'm sort of wishing I went with the Apple TV. Atleast I know I could quickly index my movie into something usable instead of dumping everything into a folder with a ton of useless thumbnails. But I see there is an SDK available and some of the sample applications look promising. So I just might engineer myself out of this problem. If the documentation is any good.

Posted by yardie at 11:48 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 21, 2007

Finding the perfect IDE

I'm in search of a good Javascript editor. Visual studio 2005 has a halfway usefull one. Visual Studio 2008 is much improved but misses a lot of code completion that should be easy to spot. I read in a forum that Netbeans has decent support. But after downloading and opening a javascript file I get nothing. not even syntax highlighting.
So I'm still on the hunt for the perfect editor. Not just syntax highlighting. Even a basic text editor like Notepadd++ can do that. I'm looking for something more evolved. that gets me results and the data I need. I'm currently looking into Aptana because the screenshots look like what i want. I'll try and integrate it into my workflow and report the results a little later.

Posted by yardie at 9:56 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack